Welcome to FAEP!

The Florida Association of Environmental Professionals (FAEP) is an affiliate of the National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP). The Florida state chapter was founded in 1987 and has eight local chapters throughout the state. FAEP is a multidisciplinary professional association of Environmental Professionals from a variety of disciplines including: biologists, scientists, geologists, environmental engineers, environmental attorneys, wetland scientists, botanists, planners, and many other disciplines that perform environmental work. 



FAEP is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of five officers, eight local chapter representatives, and five at-large elected members. Board meetings are typically at noon on the third Monday of the month and are conducted via conference call. FAEP holds an annual conference that is hosted by a local chapter. The annual conference is typically two days and includes a variety of speakers. 

FAEP publishes a quarterly e-newsletter, the Florida Beacon. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide members with current information about the profession as well as upcoming events such as conferences and workshops. Local chapters of FAEP offer educational opportunities such as workshops and luncheon meetings as well as social and networking events. Some of the luncheon meetings and other events are free to all FAEP members. 

As a member of FAEP you will be able to attend local chapter events and the annual conference at a discounted rate. Membership also gives you access to our Member Directory, a comprehensive database that links you to more than 700 Environmental Professionals in the state of Florida. Membership dues are $50 for FAEP and an additional charge for membership to a local chapter (local chapter membership ranges from $25 to $40). Click here to access membership fee data. Employers who have 5 or more members are eligible for the discounted FAEP membership rate of $45/member. FAEP membership dues for students are $15.

If you are an Environmental Professional, want to build your professional network, and learn more about current issues, come to a local chapter event and find out today why FAEP and our local chapters are so successful! Click here to find your local chapter.

FAEP Board of Directors
Gina Chiello - President
Joshua Hirten - Vice President
Elva Peppers - Past President
Kelley Samuels - Treasurer
Jennifer Savaro - Secretary
Bruce Hasbrouck - Parliamentarian

Joshua Hirten - Central Chapter
Ryan Sipe - Northeast Chapter
Michael Cobb - Northwest Chapter
Jennifer Savaro - South Chapter
George Sprehn - Southwest Chapter
Matt Marino - Tallahassee Chapter
Sheri Huelster - Tampa Bay Chapter
Gina Chiello - Treasure Coast Chapter

Amy Guilfoyle - At Large Member
Niki Desjardin - At Large Member
Susan Martin - At Large Member
Don Medellin - At Large Member
Tim Perry - At Large Member
Courtney Arena - NAEP Representative

The Kids by Jackie Pope
What's Happening
Around the State 
This Month?

FAEP is...
  • An interdisciplinary association of environmental professionals in Florida.
  • A forum in which the state-of-the-art environmental planning, research, and management is advanced.
  • A focal point for objectivity, ethical standards, and technical excellence in our diverse profession.
  • A vehicle for the growth and advancement of FAEP members around the State.
  • A medium of professional contact and information exchange among colleagues in business, government, and academe.
  • A foundation for structured career development from student to certified environmental professional.
  • A regional chapter of the National Association of Environmental Professionals founded in 1975.  
Juvenile Osprey by John Bailey